BJ Melle

PE/Social Studies/Fitness & performance/Sr. Boys Basketball Coach
I started my teaching career in 2002 at Monsignor McCoy High School teaching Physical Education and Social Studies. For the past 9 years, much of my teaching has transitioned into Fitness and Performance where I get to teach students about various methods of training. This has been a pleasure as I get to watch students build self-confidence through learning how to work out and improve their levels of fitness. One of the best parts of my job is that I get to coach boys’ basketball. This will be my 20th season coaching both the Junior Varsity and Varsity boys’ basketball program at McCoy. I have taken our teams to Las Vegas, San Diego, and Los Angeles 7 different times to participate in high school basketball tournaments. Having the opportunity to coach such greats kids every year is truly one of the best parts of my life.