Jole Krassman

Phys Ed/English/Football Coach
My name is Jole Krassman and I was born and raised in Medicine Hat Alberta. I am currently in my third year at Monsignor McCoy High School and am teaching Language Arts 10, Physical Education 10, Fitness and Performance 10, and Outdoor Excursions.
In addition to my teaching duties, I am also the head Football coach serving both McCoy/Eagle Butte student athletes who make up the Colts football team. I am looking forward to working with the staff and students at Monsignor McCoy to make the journey through high school both meaningful and positive. Our district motto is “showing the face of Christ to all who seek it”. Our faith-based philosophy coupled with the excellent academic programing at Monsignor McCoy High School will give our students the opportunity to be successful in their transition to adulthood. If you have any questions, comments or concerns about academics or football, please feel free to contact me at